About Us
We take care of you.
With our team approach to personalized customer service, you will be treated as a friend and neighbor. Keller Insurance is dedicated to getting to know you and protecting your assets.

LES KELLER. Les has 40 years experience in the insurance business, offering life & health insurance for individuals, families, and business situations. Les also specializes in Medicare supplement insurance with an emphasis on understanding Medicare for seniors. The need for additional income for seniors can be addressed with a variety of annuity products.

BETH KELLER. Beth has 20 years experience in property and casualty insurance. She provides expert advice on auto & home insurance for individuals and families. Providing business owner policies and liability insurance coverage for small businesses is also a specialty for Beth.

NOEMY TORRES. Noemy has 10 years experience in auto & home insurance, providing coverage for young drivers thru senior citizens. If you have a few blemishes on your driving record, Noemy will be able to provide a competitive quote, with the best coverage for your individual situation.